Why treat the air ?
We spend more than 80% of our time, or 20 hours a day, in enclosed spaces.
We need at least 15,000 liters of oxygen per day to live, and this can go up to 60,000 liters in the event of physical exertion. It is therefore essential that a healthy atmosphere reigns in our homes in order to preserve our health.
Having quality air for the home and its occupants has become a necessity
Inside homes, certain pollutants are present at concentrations 10 times higher than those outside.
80% of homes have a formaldehyde content 5 to 10 times higher than that outside.
The cost of severe asthma with RAS amounts per child to €7,928/year or €660/month. (allergy.org)
Around 90 million Europeans (15 to 30% of the population) are affected by allergic rhinitis, and 10 to 20% are allergic to pollen. 50 million Europeans (5 to 15%) suffer from allergic asthma. (French Committee for Observation of Allergies CFOA)
Respiratory allergies cause 40,000 deaths per year and are the 4th cause of death in our country. The mediocre, if not bad, quality of the air we breathe in our homes seems to be responsible for this observation,
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